
Siddiqui Tutor

 Sense  Organs    The world around us is very interesting. Allah Almighty has blessed us with five sense organs to enjoy the world. Sense organs are special parts of our body that tell us what is going on around us. Our eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue are our sense organs. All the sense organs are linked to the brain by nerves. The Eye We see with our eyes. Our eyes tell us about the colors, shapes, and  movements of objects around us. The eye is an organ of sight.  The human eye consists of an eyeball. The eye is covered with eyelids.  Eyelashes on the eyelids keep away dust particles. Under the upper eyelids tear  glands open. The main parts of our eye are the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. Cornea In the front of eye, the transparent part is called cornea. Light rays enter the eye through the cornea. Iris Beneath the cornea the coloured portion of the eye is called iris. Have you ever observed brown, blue and hazel eyes of your friends? There is a hole in the

Dialogue Writing b/w Citizen and P.M

  Dialogue Writing between Citizen and Prime Minister Citizen: Hy! P.M: Hello! How are you? Citizen: I am fine and what about you? P.M: I am fine too. Citizen: Dear Prime Minister, Today I would like to talk to you about the problem of unemployment. Unemployment is becoming a huge problem in our country. The biggest reason for this problem is the lack of business in the country and many industries have been shut down by the government, such as Pakistan Steel Mill. P.M: Yes, you are right. We are trying to resolve this problem. Citizen : My opinion is that industries which have been closed by the government should be revived and easy business opportunities should be provided.   P.M : Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Quran that with every difficulty there is ease. There are definitely a lot of problems in our country but we are sincerely trying to solve them. Citizen :  Thank you. P.M :  Welcome.

Importance of librarary

Importance of Library A library is a huge place where there is a huge collection of books. It contains books on various subjects including history, geography, fiction, health, art, and science.             A library is a very useful platform that brings together people willing to learn. It helps us in learning and expanding our knowledge. We develop our reading habits from a library. This helps in the personal growth of a person and development. Most importantly, libraries are very economical. The people who cannot afford to books and can simply borrow books from a library. This helps them in saving a lot of money and getting information for free.                   Similarly, libraries provide authentic and reliable sources of information for researches.

The Most Beautiful

   ESSAY "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL "         It was the month of February. I was sitting with friends . We were discussing all the beautiful places we had visited. All of a sudden one of us spoke about the beauty of the Mughal Gardens . We decided to visit the place on Sunday next.           On Sunday we went there by bus. There was already a great rush of people. Men, Women, and children were moving up and down on gravel paths which encircled the garden. The Grass was so soft that it looked like a carpet of velvet. There was symmetry of the grassy plots. The flower beds were a treat for the eyes. There were flowers of various hues and shapes. The rose, the jasmine, and the marigold were filling the air with their sweet fragrance. In the center of the garden there was a pond having multi - colored fish, a charming spectacle indeed. Fountains and water channels running. Fountains and water channels running across the garden add to this feast of flowers.             The visitors

Impact of video games on young children

Impact of video games on young children   The advancement in technology has brought changes in entertainment sources changes in technologies bring the potential for changes in users' thoughts feelings and behaviors.   The games played by modern children are very different from the games played a few decades ago. The games, which involve physical activities, are almost diminished and have been replaced by video games. Video games are becoming an incredibly popular and pervasive form of entertainment for young children. These games affect children in both positive and negative ways. The technology-based games help the children to improve their physical, mental neurological health, and educational skills. However, it has always been debatable whether the parents should allow their children to play video games or if they need to stop them. Video games are well known for their addictive and violent properties. Although these games were originally designed as recreational programs for


ESSAY WONDERS WINTER Winter is the coldest season of the year. Its duration is from November to March. The wind becomes very cold and sizzling .  The winter season becomes hard and unbearable when happens rainfall during it. It disturbs daily routine life. The movement of people, animals, and other creatures becomes limited. The business activity falls and people rely on food grown during the other seasons. However, in the winter season, many good and healthy fruits and vegetables grow, In the winter season people wear warm woolen clothes. Kids and old age people are very vulnerable to high cold. The health problems like flue and fever become common in children due to heavy colds. Winter is a great season of fun and joy. Many people plan picnics and adventures in the winter season. 

Degrees of Adjective

 Degrees of Adjective Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns.  The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative, and superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to compare two or more subjects or objects. 


  Siddiqui Tutor LEARN TENSES IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now or things that are continuous. The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).

My Favourite Season

  My Favourite Season Spring There are four seasons in a year. They are summer, winter, autumn, and spring. Therefore, spring is my favorite season. It is the pleasantest season for all of them. It accurs between summer and winter. People all of the ages like this season.

My Favourite Personality

 My Favourite Personality " Hazrat Muhammad  (S.A.W) " The last prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) , is my favorite and most reverenceful personality. Why do I like him? It's because of his simplicity, honesty , and positive character. Note:- We have mistakenly written lost in place of last in the first line. Please correct it while writing or reading. Thank you.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Essay Allama Muhammad Iqbal Allama Iqbal was a great leader. He did a lot to awaken Muslims from negligence and he did a lot of effort to make Pakistan. If you want to know more about him, watch the video below.

Disadvantages of Junk Food

Essay  Disadvantages of Junk Food If you want to know about the disadvantages of junk food, watch the video below.