Impact of video games on young children

Impact of video games on young children


The advancement in technology has brought changes in entertainment sources changes in technologies bring the potential for changes in users' thoughts feelings and behaviors.


The games played by modern children are very different from the games played a few decades ago. The games, which involve physical activities, are almost diminished and have been replaced by video games. Video games are becoming an incredibly popular and pervasive form of entertainment for young children. These games affect children in both positive and negative ways. The technology-based games help the children to improve their physical, mental neurological health, and educational skills. However, it has always been debatable whether the parents should allow their children to play video games or if they need to stop them.

Video games are well known for their addictive and violent properties. Although these games were originally designed as recreational programs for enjoyment now they have become the most addictive activities among young children and adolescents, which directly or indirectly affect their growth and development. 





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