Dialogue Writing b/w Citizen and P.M


Dialogue Writing between Citizen and Prime Minister

Citizen: Hy!

P.M: Hello! How are you?

Citizen: I am fine and what about you?

P.M: I am fine too.

Citizen: Dear Prime Minister, Today I would like to talk to you about the problem of unemployment. Unemployment is becoming a huge problem in our country. The biggest reason for this problem is the lack of business in the country and many industries have been shut down by the government, such as Pakistan Steel Mill.

P.M: Yes, you are right. We are trying to resolve this problem.

Citizen: My opinion is that industries which have been closed by the

government should be revived and easy business opportunities should be provided. 

P.M: Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Quran that with every difficulty there is ease. There are definitely a lot of problems in our country but we are sincerely trying to solve them.

Citizen: Thank you.



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