
The Memorable Day of My Life

                 The Memorable Day of My Life Everybody has many memorable days in their lives which cannot forget these days make us smile when over we remember them they must memorable of my result day because I achieve 3rd position in the school.

Green Pakistan

Green Pakistan “Green is the prime color of the world from which its loveliness arises.” Pakistan is one of the countries that are badly affected by pollution. This issue of pollution can be addressed by growing more trees. The whole world is fighting against environmental  degradation including our own country. A green Pakistan means we can manage solid waste management, plant more trees, conserve water and adopt environment-friendly practices. By adopting these attitudes we can make a difference in the environment of our country and make it look greener and cleaner as well.

Good Manners

Good Manners  Good manners are the norms of social conduct set. These are the principles that we have to follow religiously. Being good-mannered means that you are polite and respectful to others. Good manners are not just restricted to behaviour. Using decent language is also a part of it. Talking politely, displaying personal integrity, and being helpful are some principles required for good manners. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) has laid prime focus on having good manners as he himself was the best in manners. “The best among you are those who have the best manner and character.”

Education is the key of success

ESSAY WRITING Education is the key of success Education means continuous learning. Good education and good knowledge is a guaranty to make us successful. Career prospects depend upon education.  Today is the digital era , we can get an online master’s degree and we can achieve anything we dreamt of. Along with this, we will attain a skill set that is surety for success. A person with good and proper education and his skill set will not face failure in life and his chance of success is increased. To keep learning is important, we can read journals, attend talks, workshops, seminars, and even attend online webinars. Education develops problem-solving skills. Education helps us to become financially skills.  Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that "Knowledge is more powerful than a sword so increase knowledge in your country no one can defeat you".